To change the religion of your own character to Orthodox, you’d simply replace with orthodox and omit the part. To apply for approval, you must have: published a proposal to open a new school with a religious character (eg on your or your local authority’s website) How can I Change my Religion to Orthodox? You need the Secretary of State for Education’s approval before you can get or change a religious designation. How do you get a head of faith in ck3? Can you make your own religion ck3? What do I need to change my religious character? Conquer 3 of your religion’s 5 holy cities, get Religious Authority in your own religion to at least 50, make sure you have 750 piety and then hit the reform button on the religion screen. How do you reform as a pagan ck2?ġ Answer. Western nations also have many decisions which can strengthen missionaries by 1% each. You lose the title when you lose any war, so be careful. If you have the money (500 ducats) and the military strength to back it up, you can get an extra missionary by declaring yourself defender of the faith. How can I increase my missionary strength? Once your heir has been converted, then once your heir takes the throne you become pagan.Now that the courtier is in your court, he/she -WILL- educate your heir.Marry a courtier with the pagan religion into your court – yes they will actully do this.